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Each student will receive the following information the first week of school.

Policies and Procedures

Late Work / Makeup Work

    Students are required to turn in work when it is due.  All late work must be turned in within three days and will have 30 points deducted. After the third day, the assignment will no longer be accepted and the student will receive a zero.

Students who are absent will have one more day than was missed to make up their work. Please remember all absences require a parent or doctor’s note to be turned into the office on the day the student returns to school in order for the absence to be excused. All work that is turned in for a day that is marked unexcused will have 30 points deducted.



    Backpacks are NOT allowed in the classroom.  They must be kept in their locker.  


Cell Phones

    Students MAY NOT use their cell phones at any time during the school day, including during lunch or restroom breaks. Cell phones must be turned off and kept out of sight. If the phone makes a sound or is being used, it will be confiscated and given to Mr. Owens. A parent will have to come to the school and pay a fee to get the cell phone returned.  (Refer to pages 37-38 of Student Handbook for additional information.)



    Toys are NOT allowed in the classrooms.  (For example: fidget spinners, slime, Rubic’s cubes, stuffed animals, etc.)  These will be confiscated.


Detentions / Pep Rally

    Students who exhibit inappropriate behavior will be given an after school detention. Parents will be notified.

Students can also be assigned pep rally detention for misbehavior in the classroom or for missing assignments.

Your child will be given this note the first week of school.

Please read, discuss, and sign. Keep this for your records.


Bringing supplies to Mrs. Alderson’s class

Students are expected to be responsible and bring all supplies to class daily.  If a student is unprepared for class on a regular basis (per the teacher), a detention can be assigned.

Standard Based Grading - Trial Period: January 8-March 6, 2020

Click HERE to read article/research behind Standard Based Grading

January 2020

Throughout the first semester, I have recognized some issues regarding student participation, completion of work, development of content knowledge, and deepened understanding.  For these 9 weeks, I am going to put into practice a new form of grading to see if it improves these areas. I have already informed students of this new concept; many seem excited, yet others are a little weary.  My goal in this trial period is to identify whether or not students are truly learning content or just doing enough to make a passing grade. This trial period will challenge your child to exceed previous learning and push them to grow in Language Arts.  I would rather know that each student in my room is actively learning rather than working for “points” to pass assignments. The following statement is currently posted on my whiteboard: “You will be graded based on what you KNOW, not by how many you get right.”


Many students struggle to complete or turn in classwork or homework for various reasons.  This highly impacts student grades in a negative way. Therefore, with this new form of grading, no student will be penalized for not completing homework.  However, as you can imagine, this may impact their knowledge. I have full confidence that students will quickly see the importance of this optional work as it will help prepare them for times that their knowledge of Language Arts is required.


In order to receive an “A”, students must exceed expectations of the content being covered.  This is a concern for many current straight “A” students. However, I have explained that this is a challenge to help them to grow.  The most important thing to me is that each student is continuously learning and growing no matter what level they are currently at. The point system, on the other hand, does not ensure learning is occurring.  In order to receive an “A”, students will truly have to train themselves to have a growth mindset. 


Students have the right to challenge a grade if they do not feel it is accurate.  To do so, the student must attend tutorials and answer 3 questions regarding the content that was taught.  If the student can do so, I will adjust the grade. I would love feedback from you and your child throughout this process to see if this concept is logical, fair, and whether or not it should be continued.  My job is to make sure each child in my class learns, so I am constantly trying to identify ways to enhance and optimize learning.  


New Grading Rubric:

4 - 95: exceeds academic expectations for the standard/TEKS being taught

3 - 85: meets expectations for the standard/TEKS being taught

2 - 75: partially meets expectations for the standard/TEKS being taught

1 - 65: does not meet expectations for the standard/TEKS being taught


Please contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.


Best Regards,

Mrs. Alderson

7th/8th ELAR

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